Hello everyone!
I took a plunge yesterday and got my forem up and running. I am very excited, impressed, and determined to get it fully going. Thanks again to the community and the devs who contributed to such a cool opensource software.
Anyway, all's good but I cannot seem to edit my forem welcome thread. I get the following error mesage on what would seem a normal operation.
app/controllers/admin/welcome_controller.rb:28:in `welcome_thread_content'
app/controllers/admin/welcome_controller.rb:11:in `create'
Top comments (1)
Hey @n0rig - can we first confirm you're using the Forem Admin Portal to set up your Welcome Thread as per the instructions in the Forem Admin docs?
For further information, there's a discussion on the subject of Welcome Threads here.
If you've followed the instructions detailed in the docs and in the Forem.dev post, and you're still having no success, can you share screenshots of what you're experiencing on the UI-side?