Hello there!
I need some help with awarding badges. I want to award to quite a lot of members, I can see that I can send to usernames but is there a way that I can export all the usernames and copy/paste so that I don't have to put them all in manually.
Top comments (2)
Great question, Lee!
I honestly don't think we yet have an easy way for admin to export usernames, but I believe that we're working on this as a larger play to allow folks to export user data β like emails for instance. I will check with the team on this.
Question: would you want to export all usernames for your community or are you hoping that there'd be a way to filter to only get specific users?
I filter would be ace mate. So if I could filter the admin > people section on things like:
Posted first comment
Posted first article
Joined during specific dates
Duration of membership
Has opted into news / digests
Has opted out
What badges have been allocated
And then hit export. I'd be a happy man π