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Discussion on: Forem features for non-tech audience?

yheuhtozr profile image

If you need a mostly working i18n-supported instance now, we have one:

It is currently loaded with many site-specific customizations, but commits are separated and I can make a pure i18n-only branch if you need.

This seems very promising and I'm considering how to adapt for it, but it lacks support for Slavic languages by design in the current shape as I looked at it.

yshmarov profile image
Yaroslav Shmarov • Edited

looks fantastic!
Actually I aws thinking there'd be more defaults to translate here. So if it gets merged, count me in - I'll translate couple of more languages! ;)

citizen428 profile image
Michael Kohl

There will be 🙂 We used Ben's PR as a way to hash out the overall structure of our I18n approach. Once this is merged there'll be a lot more to translate eventually. We just want to get this right, as it will impact the workflow of everyone who contributes to the codebase, both external and internal.