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Nishant Mittal
Nishant Mittal

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Should forem be extended for private communities?

I recently discovered that things like Microsoft Yammer and Facebook Workplace exist which many companies use as an internal social platform.

I was wondering if forem can be extended to be such an internal community platform too where people could just add people manually or maybe an invite-based system.

What do you guys think?

Top comments (4)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

It just so happens that this is already an option! We have a very useful internal team Forem and there are several other folks using private mode already. πŸ˜„

nishantwrp profile image
Nishant Mittal

Ah, okay. That’s awesome πŸ™ŒπŸ€©.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yeah, it's shaping out in exciting ways.

Thread Thread
nishantwrp profile image
Nishant Mittal • Edited

Btw, just out of curiosity. Is this documented anywhere?