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Discussion on: Multi purpose aggregation feature for Forem. Help!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

You have some cool ideas here!

1. Video Channels

Perhaps as we refresh how videos work on Forem we should consider modeling them after our podcast section as you mentioned. I definitely have some major improvements in mind for Podcasts, but think I understand that the directory aspect of this page is what's most appealing. I know that we want to add improve a video feature (pretty sure this exists, but has just been put on pause), it's just a matter of time.

2. Blog Aggregation

As for Blog Channel aggregation, do you see this simply as a directory that includes all user's blogs? Or do you think that a user should be able to input any (multiple) blog(s) into this directory?

I'm a little on the fence about this one because I feel like we would prefer for people to post on Forem and not just link out elsewhere. Perhaps we should just let people link to their blog from their profile?

3. Technology Directory Aggregation

I think this is pretty cool. I'm not entirely sure how it would play out. Would there be categories involved? Would the technologies fall under a user's name? Would it be a list of technologies along the lefthand side that folks could click into?

Suggested Solution for the Time Being

I was recently working with the folks at the Web Monetization Community who suggested something similar — they wanted a page that they could use as a library for various assets (video, podcasts, whitepapers, etc.)

We did a bit of prototyping in /admin/customization/pages and created this template using a bit of HTML. The problem was that the template was a bit difficult to update and the page could easily get cluttered if there were loads of assets. In the end we embedded an airtable like this which allows users to filter/sort/search items.

I know @ellativity already mentioned airtable, but just wanted to give you an example of what this might be like. ☝️