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Discussion on: Changelog: When is an article indexed by a search engine?

lee profile image

Also, does setting the value to 0 mean that all posts should be indexable?

I am hoping this is the case. I didn't know that some of the content wouldnt be crawled unless it had a 3+ score.

Ben has also recently committed an interesting change to sitemaps that you might want to take a look at @ildi

Add recent resource sitemap endpoint for posts #14857

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This PR adds an endpoint to our sitemap route called /sitemap-posts.xml, with an optional number called /sitemap-posts-2.xml etc.

Sitemaps need to be at the root of the domain, which is why the logic like this exists in the first place.

Currently we only have "monthly" sitemaps... /sitemap-Sep-2021.xml, which forces an admin to go into Google Search Console at the beginning of every month to add a new sitemap.

This allows an admin to provide encapsulated sitemaps and glean information about what Google is searching when, but is not an ideal default sitemap to provide. This is the "default" sitemap for posts on Forem.

There is optionally a zero-indexed value to append here if a Forem has more than 10k published posts, but generally a Forem can get by for a while with just submitting /sitemap-posts to Google Search Console.

This naming convention opens us up to adding /sitemap-pages and /sitemap-users, /sitemap-organizations, etc.... But I thought starting here was good, as those would require additional functionality.

Screen Shot 2021-09-29 at 11 13 16 AM

This simplifies SEO and allows us to give clear instructions to creators:

  1. Submit /sitemap-posts to Google Search Console to help your crawl rate. This will include the most recent 10k indexable posts on the platform.
  2. Optionally submit monthly sitemaps if you want to see a breakdown of crawl based on month.

I have chosen to use "posts" as opposed to "articles" which I think of more of a "private term" if we can help it.

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There are a couple posts about sitemap confusion and this should be a step in helping us provide a good answer.

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ildi profile image

Thank you for pointing this out! I wasn’t aware that Forem communities have sitemaps.

I’m still hoping to understand why this Jay-Z article on 1VIBE has a “noindex” meta tag and how that was automatically assigned to the article.

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djuber profile image
Daniel Uber

Hi Ildi,

There are a few checks in place that are factoring in making this decision - the change described here removed one favoring code tags as DEV specific, and unified the two magic numbers which had been 3 and 5 for the sitemap and robots meta, as well as making it tunable in admin.

If an article has a negative score (more spam reactions than votes) it will not be indexed. If an article is a draft (not published) it's not indexable. If an article was published before July 13th, 2017 (unlikely for you, this shows as the featured_number in the code and seems DEV specific) it is not indexable.

The last condition requires all of the following to be true and is an anti-spam filter:

  • score less than the minimum (this had been a constant 5 before, the default now is 0), the idea being low quality posts would be excluded
  • no comments from this user ("active" community members participating in discussions didn't fit the spam pattern)
  • post is not featured (any featured post should be indexable and not include that robots meta)

When a new article is created - the score is lower than the previous "magic" number 5, but should be higher than the current default 0 (if you haven't set this in admin).

I checked the two top articles for Jay-Z on 1vibe ( and and didn't see the robots meta there now - the more recent one was published Sept 11th (before the changes were made) so it's possible at the time it was marked noindex and no longer is.

I am wondering what this value means exactly and how posts get assigned that number?

The article score is the sum of user reactions (hearts and unicorns from the left sidebar), with each counting 1 point (and an automatic like reaction created when you author the post). The author's reactions' scores (reactions on the user, rather than the article) are also factored in - this is normally used by moderators to downvote an abusive or spammy user. The actual code setting the score is in github but effectively the scoring is "more hearts means a higher score".

The old way could have marked an article no-index if the article had too few heart reactions, was not featured, and contained no code tag. The new way should remove that minimum popularity threshold at the default value of zero, which is reached for all published articles automatically.

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ildi profile image

Hey Daniel,

Thank you for breaking this down for me. It’s very interesting to understand the initial logic for when the “noindex” rule only applied to DEV vs all the Forem communities today.

The Jay-Z deepfake article is indeed now indexable by Google. Based on your explanation, the cause of the “noindex” was most likely due to the author of that article having had 0 comments on 1VIBE when posting the article, even though the article was published on behalf of an organization, the 1VIBE Team in this case.

It makes sense that these rules were put into place considering the size of DEV and how many posts users must be making on the site every 24hrs. I’m glad that these settings can now be customized, they will be useful for SEO and dealing with spam.

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lee profile image

Great explanation, thanks for this. Does this mean that articles on new Forem pre the update would have noindex applied if the score was low?

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djuber profile image
Daniel Uber

@lee yes, that issue with articles published but not search indexed had been observed and reported in a few cases (including Ildi's case above), the decision to include or exclude those meta tags is done "live" when you view the page, or when you generate the sitemap, so sites that have updated in the past week should already be seeing the change and more articles get picked up by search engines, If Forem hosts your site, these updates happen about twice per week, if you're self-hosted then you'd want to update to a current container image to get this change.

lee profile image

and here

Explain new simpler process for submitting sitemap to Google Search Console #17

Explain the changes

Admins can now be instructed to submit /sitemap-posts.xml as the default way to submit to Google Search Console if this is merged:

They can optionally be instructed to submit monthly sitemaps if they want to get specific breakdowns month-over-moth, but this is more advanced functionality for very large Forems. This functionality has already been in place, but we did not have the more basic functionality in place.