Forem Creators and Builders 🌱


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How to make Forem svg logos sharper

I am currently working on setting up my Forem community 1VIBE. One thing I noticed during setup is we are required to upload an svg version of our logo. When I did that I noticed that the logo was more blurry/less sharp than the original. Is there something I can do to improve this?

Top comments (8)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

It looks like the source image is not very sharp, and it's an embedded SVG.

If the logo was drawn from scratch in Adobe Illustrator or a similar tool. The original logo could be traced and exported as an SVG. The "S" in SVG stands for "scalable" so once it's created proper it will be sharp under all resolutions.

Let me know if you need a hand with this, can probably help.

gggg profile image

The logo was originally created in illustrator. I have several different .ai + .psd files for it. So far I have only tried converting a 300x117 transparent JPG into SVG. Would love to learn more about the correct way of doing this.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'm no .ai wiz, but maybe this will help:

Thread Thread
gggg profile image

thank you, I will give this a try!

lee profile image

Hey there, what process are you going through atm to create your SVG?

gggg profile image

I cannot remember which website I used the first time around but today I tried again using this site (jpg to svg) and was able to get a more sharper result.

lee profile image

I also. I love hip hop - when can I join 🀩

gggg profile image

You can already join if you would like but it's very early, I am still in the setup stage. Hoping at the end of this week I will start to populate with content. Still have to complete the About + FAQ pages before I begin sending out invites to early members.