Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Cover image for Introducing Open Resources!
Michael Tharrington for Forem Community Success

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Introducing Open Resources!

Cover image credit goes to bamagal on Unsplash.

So, you've walked through our Forem Self-Host Documentation and you got a fresh Forem installed. You've even made it through most of the Forem Setup Checklist β€” you got your logo set, access level chosen, etc.

So, what's next?

Sounds like you need some content!

Introducing Open Resources!

We realize that one of the biggest challenges for new Forem Creators is that once they've created their new community, they need to stock it with posts and other content. While a lot of the content will need to be tailored specifically to the community, some of it can be more generic... think welcome letters and tutorials that teach folks how to post an article.

This is where open resources come in!

The Forem Community Success crew is busy whipping up some base resources that all you creators out there can take, remix (or not), and use to flesh out your new Forem. πŸ™Œ These resources will include posts, pages, HTML variants, and more!

How it works

First off, we've added a section to our Forem Admin Docs repo called Open Resources. You can visit this repo at any time to copy the Markdown (or in some cases HTML/CSS) for any of the resources listed here. Please, take them and use them! If you want to edit them to make them more specific to your community, even better! We're making these open to you all, so don't even ask, just take them.

Secondly, we've created a tag, #openresources, that we encourage you all to use to share resources that you've created. If you've written a particularly helpful guide on using liquid tags and you'd like to make it available for other creators to freely use, then please use the template we've specifically created for posting under #openresources to share your work with other Creators right here on Forem's Community Success team will also be posting resources under this tag, so please follow it if you're interested.

Also, if you want us to add your resource to our repo, please create an issue and we'll review it. Assuming the resource fits, we will be happy to include it!

Do I need to credit the author of an Open Resource?

While the Community Success Team is happy for you to take any resources we've created without crediting us, when it comes to community-shared resources please be respectful of the fact that someone has taken the time to create this and put the effort into sharing it. Please don’t claim it’s your own, or strip any attribution given to sources in the Open Resource you’re using. Thoroughly read through the resource you're using and check to see if the author has asked for you to include attribution. If in doubt, ask them!

That's all for now!

It's our plan to build up a helpful library of resources that Creators can use freely so that the initial challenge of creating content to fill up your Forem isn't quite so daunting.

We hope that you find something in there that's useful to you, and we'd be honored to have you contribute your own helpful resources. πŸ™Œ

Top comments (9)

akhil profile image
Akhil Naidu • Edited

One of the links above under the name => (Open Resourses in, "How it Works" section) seems to be a broken or an outdated link.

btw, I really like to test this ASAP :p

coffeecraftcode profile image
Christina Gorton

All the links in that section are working for me πŸ˜„

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Whoops! You must've caught this right as I posted it. I realized I had left a broken link in there. πŸ˜…

All is well now. πŸ˜€

gggg profile image

This is an awesome idea! So happy you put this together @michaeltharrington πŸ₯³

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Really glad to hear that you dig this one! I'm hoping it becomes more and more helpful as time goes on.

lee profile image

This is great Michael, are you moving the code-snippets folder over there?

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

I had actually forgotten about this repo, but that definitely makes sense. Thanks for the heads up!

I'm going to see how we can best go about this. πŸ™‚

lee profile image

Great idea btw

rhymes profile image

This is just awesome! Great work!