Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Discussion on: Podcast page improvements

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Also, is more the 4 featured podcasts currently supported?

Not through the design yet, but we will take another pass at this. "Featured" may imply future functionality beyond just showing up on this page. Design-wise we will have better "show more" functionality across the board to make sure it's flexible. @pp 's mockups are much nicer than even what we have shipped so far.

will listening progress tracking make an appearance in the future?

Yeah. Getting the overall design better will help us devote more time to getting the nuance right... This is still not a top-line priority, but we've reoriented lately to better support shipping small wins (like what this initial redesign was).

lee profile image

Well I love it and I can't wait to see what comes next. I can totally see Forem replacing my podcast app.