Feature request
A share button on an user's profile 0age
Please describe your feature request
A share button on an user's profile page will aid in easy sharing of profiles, specially on the mobile app
β Quick summary of what this feature request is about.-->
Easy sharing of profile page
Why is it needed?
I was about to share my dev.to profile page from the dev.to android app and I realised that there wasn't any share button which I can click and get a link to the profile page.
β A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] -->
Suggested solution(s)
β A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. -->
Adding of a share button on the profile page to share the profile
Related issue(s)/PR(s)
None as of now
<--Let us know if this is related to any issue/pull request in our forem/forem or forem/selfhost repositories. -->
Top comments (2)
This really does sound cool!
Just curious, what's the context of the sharing? Are you looking to post it on social media or just to copy a link and share via email?
I'm imagining you could share your profile and it would get a little social card designed like what appears on Twitter when you post an article. For instance, run an article through Twitter's card validator and you'll see what I mean.
Maybe it would look a bit like using the liquid tag for a profile:
Michael Tharrington
Code for this is
{% user michaeltharrington %}
by the way.Hey Anish! Great suggestion - I think you're totally right :)