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CTFA exam
CTFA exam

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Certified Trust and Financial Advisor: Preserving and Growing Your Wealth


The ABA offers webinars that cover specific motifs related to the CFTA test, similar as estate planning, investment operation, or fiduciary conditioning.Certified Trust and Financial Advisor These webinars are generally led by subject matter experts and give a more interactive and engaging literacy experience than tone- paced study accoutrements . The webinars are available for purchase on the ABA’s website and can be penetrated at any time.

  1. Devisee – The person or reality designated to admit means
  2. Special requirements Trust – A trust that's created to give fiscal support for individualities with disabilities or special requirements, without affecting their eligibility for government benefits.
  3. Livery Prudent Investor Act( UPIA) – A law that requires trustees to invest trust means in a manner that's both prudent and in the stylish interests of the heirs.
  4. Probate – Exam Labs Dumps The legal process of administering an existent’s estate after their death, including validating their will and distributing their means.
  5. Living Trust – A trust that's created during an existent’s continuance and can be used to manage their means during their continuance and after their death.
  6. Asset Protection – The process of guarding one’s means from implicit creditors or legal judgments.
  7. Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust – A trust that pays a fixed periodic income to the patron for a specified period of time, with the remainder going to a charitable association.
  8. Charitable Lead Annuity Trust – A trust that pays a fixed periodic income to a charitable association for a specified period of time, with the remainder going to the patron’s heirs.
  9. Livery Gift to Minors Act( UGMA) – A law that allows parents or guardians to transfer means to their children without setting up a trust or paying gift levies.
  10. Health Savings Account( HSA) – A duty- advantaged account that allows individualities to save plutocrat for medical charges, with benefactions and recessions being duty-free.

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