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Shubham Mete
Shubham Mete

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31 Days of DSA (December)

I am starting with Data Structures and Algorithms from scratch and will list down the things that I have learned.

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You might find it more engaging to post each day's learnings on instead of here :)

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Shubham Mete

Day 2:
Today I studied about Arrays and solved some basic problems

Today learned about
1) Arrays and its Types
2) Its applications, pros and cons
3) Some basic operations
4) Multidimensional Array

shubh_mete profile image
Shubham Mete

Day 1:
Today studied about Complexity Analysis of Algorithms in which I learned about
1) Time Complexity
2) Space Complexity
3) Recurrence Relations
4) NP-Complete Problems
5) Complexity Notations
6) How to avoid Time Limit Exceeded