Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Config > SMTP settings

Lee on June 23, 2021

Hello πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Just wanted to quickly confirm the config > smtp settings doesn't need to be configured for hosted Forems but does for standalone Forems?


ruby011rails profile image

Hi @akhil
I can not config SMTP

Address: ''
Port: 587
Authentication: 'plain'
User name: ''
Password: ''
Domain: ''

Can you help me!
Thank you very much!

akhil profile image
Akhil Naidu

I would suggest you to use, sendgrid free tier.

Or within google settings, you can remove email protection. In order to send mail via gmail via 3rd party services, you need to give reduce security in gmail

Rather than going through all of this, I would suggest you to get a free account in sendgrid and configure it.

benjaminb profile image
Benjamin Bilgehan

i setup forem on digitalocean and created sendgrid account as well. I configured my forem but still i dont get it working. what other configurations needed ?

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ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Hey @benjaminb , congrats on getting your Forem up and running!

Can you please create a new #selfhost issue describing what you're encountering, so our team can find your questions more easily?

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benjaminb profile image
Benjamin Bilgehan
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benjaminb profile image
Benjamin Bilgehan

please take a look at above link.

benjaminb profile image
Benjamin Bilgehan • Edited

what to use on Authentication section 'plain' ?

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ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

We're found that "login" tends to be the standard (sometimes "plain" isn't accepted because it's entirely unencrypted), but check Sendgrid's latest documentation for the most up-to-date info for your choice of provider.

akhil profile image
Akhil Naidu • Edited

It's still not functioning in self hosted Forem
But within Forem cloud, they are using their native mail system through

Adding as a sender would make your SMTP work(might be); but service like sendgrid or any such services need sender domain verification.

So for now only Forem clould forems can use the SMTP feature.

lee profile image

Oh yeah, I forgot I configured sendgrid in my heroku envs yonks ago! Those will probably automatically come across when ready. Thanks for reminding me.

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Yep, as you already figured, this is a new addition for the updated FOSS Forem release that we're working on. As @akhil mentions, it's not fully functioning yet, but it's on its way!

Your self-hosted Forem/any previously up-and-running self-hosted Forem should have .env files already configured, and we take care of hosted Forems.