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Gdyfj60x Gdyfj60x
Gdyfj60x Gdyfj60x

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Breaking Barriers: Understanding 70-411 Exam Objectives

Deploy, Manage, and Maintain Servers (15-20%)
Deploy and manage server images.
Implement patch management.
Monitor servers.
Configure File and Print Services (15-20%)
Configure Distributed File 70 411 Exam Objectives System (DFS).
Configure File Server Resource Manager (FSRM).
Configure file and disk encryption.
Configure Network Services and Access (15-20%)
Configure DNS zones.
Configure DirectAccess.
Configure VPN and routing.
Configure a Network Policy Server (NPS) infrastructure.
Configure a Network Policy Server (NPS) Infrastructure (10-15%)
Configure NPS policies.
Configure Network Access Protection (NAP).
Configure and Manage Active Directory (10-15%)
Configure service authentication.
Configure Domain Controllers.
Maintain Active Directory.
Configure and Manage Group Policy (15-20%)
Configure Group Policy processing.
Configure Group Policy settings.
Configure and Manage High 70 411 Exam Objectives Availability (15-20%)
Configure Network Load Balancing (NLB).
Configure failover clustering.
Manage failover clustering.

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