Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

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Forem DigitalOcean Setup on MacOS

Christina Gorton on July 20, 2021

Introduction In this guide you will learn how to set up your Forem self-host instance on DigitalOcean. You will also set up DNS for you...
ce7in profile image
Muhammed Cetin • Edited

I was able to install Forem Selfhost on DigitalOcean before without any problem. However, I cannot restart forem-traefik.service for 2 days. It sticks and the ssh connection time outs. What might be the problem? Any idea?

wrench666 profile image

Hocam selamlar. Kurulumu hangi rehbere göre gerçekleştirdiniz? Hazırlıkları yapıyorum tam kurulum aşamasında hatalarla boğuşuyorum. 7 gündür kurulum yapamadım iş inada bindi artık. Yardımcı olur musunuz?

ce7in profile image
Muhammed Cetin

Selamlar. Tam olarak bu rehbere göre gerçekleştirdim. Devamında da yine burada linki olan DigitalOcean rehberi ile tamamladım.

Karşılaştığınız hataları detaylı bir şekilde paylaşabilirseniz yardımcı olmaya çalışırım. Bu hafta'un açılışını yapmaya çalışıyorum. O yüzden pek müsait değilim ancak önümüzdeki haftaiçi hatalar devam ediyor olursa kurulumunuza doğrudan yardım edebilirim.

Bana buradan ulaşabilirsiniz:

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wrench666 profile image

Hocam çok teşekkür ederim. Kurulumu hangi OS üzerinde gerçekleştirdiniz onu da öğrenebilir miyim?

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wrench666 profile image

Ayrıca e-posta adresinizden ulaşamadım. Gönderdiğim posta teslim edilemediğinden geri döndü. Ulaşabileceğim farklı bir posta adresiniz var mı?

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ce7in profile image
Muhammed Cetin

Normalde ulaşılabilir olması gerekiyordu ama... Gmail üzerinden de ulaşabilirsiniz:

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ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Thank you so much, @ce7in , for offering to help here!

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ce7in profile image
Muhammed Cetin

Thank you so much, too. All your efforts are so valuable for community builders. And I am trying to help as much as I can do.

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ce7in profile image
Muhammed Cetin

Windows 11 üzerinde WSL2 ile Ubuntu 20.04 kullanıyorum. Kurulumu da Ubuntu ile yaptım.

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wrench666 profile image

Hocam bende DO üzerinde oluşturduğum Ubuntu sunucu üzerinden işlem yapıyorum. Ancak sürekli ekran görüntüsündeki hatayı alıyorum.

YAML dosyasını defalarca kontrol ettim, hosts dosyasını düzenledim bu sefer de FCOS ile ilgili bir işlem yaparken takıldı kaldı kurulum.

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ce7in profile image
Muhammed Cetin

Önemli bilgileri gizleyerek ya da rastgele değiştirerek, şablonu bozmadan, girinti ve çıkıntıları bozmadan gmail adresime gönderirseniz inceleyip yardımcı olmaya çalışayım. Onlarca kez kurdum Forem'i. Hiçbir sorun yaşamadım. Yapılandırmanızda mutlaka bir hata vardır.

ce7in profile image
Muhammed Cetin

I've fixed it again but I don't know what is the reason.

My solution:

After the installation has been done, I run the command "sudo foremctl deploy" before restarting forem-traefik.service. Then I restarted forem by running this: "sudo foremctl restart". Lastly, I tried to restart forem-traefik.service. That's all.

However, I have one more problem now. Even if I've added sendgrid api key and api key id as ecrypted vault keys, I cannot receive a confirmation email. What might be the problem? I've used the command below to encrypt my api key and api key id:

echo -n myApiKey | ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name vault_sendgrid_api_key

ce7in profile image
Muhammed Cetin • Edited

Everything is OK for now. I've solved the problem. I've followed the Quick Start in Depth tutorial first, then I tried to install Forem on DO. Since I've already generated Ansible secrets, when I was trying to run ansible-playbook command, it threw the error.

After the installation has been done, I wasn't able to run sudo systemctl restart forem-traefik.service properly. When I was trying to run it, it stucked. However, after restarting the machine completely, I was able to run the restarting command.

Whether I would face a problem or a feedback, I'll try to share it with you here.

Thanks a lot everybody.

ce7in profile image
Muhammed Cetin

Now, imgproxy.servide doesn't work properly. That's why I cannot show my uploaded images as you can see here:


coffeecraftcode profile image
Christina Gorton

Thank you for sharing the problems you have encountered so far @ce7in !
Our systems team asked if you could run:

sudo journalctl -u forem-imgproxy.service -n 200 --no-pager
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

to get more logs for them so we could help debug the issue.

Here is more info on journalctl if you haven't used it before.

lyhuutri profile image
Lý Hữu Trí

i dont know why i cant run this command... plz help ansible-playbook -i inventory/forem/setup.yml playbooks/providers/digitalocean.yml

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

When you say you can't run it, what is the reason? Do you get an error message or does nothing happen?

lyhuutri profile image
Lý Hữu Trí • Edited

Thank for replay me ! ! i trying but still dont know how to fix this, i cant upload image to this comment so i created a post for upload my error message image.. this is link .. plz help, thank you !

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ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

I answered your question in your linked post. Hope this helps!

coffeecraftcode profile image
Christina Gorton

Hey @lyhuutri for a quicker response from the team here can you post screenshots of any errors you see as you go through this process? We want to help you succeed but need more information. Thanks!

lyhuutri profile image
Lý Hữu Trí • Edited

Oh thank you for replay me <3, but. i cant upload image to this comment, i' ll create a new post and upload my error message( this is link )! Plz help me. So many thank you

supernova profile image

The Digital Ocean Ansible collection was installed fine but I still I am getting this error:

fatal: [forem]: FAILED! => changed=false 
  assertion: false
  evaluated_to: false
  msg: 'You are missing some of the required Python 3 packages: [''ansible'', ''boto'', ''boto3'', ''botocore'', ''google-auth'', ''jmespath'', ''netaddr'', ''requests''] Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt'
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Anyone else having the same issue or know what may be going on here?

supernova profile image

Upgrading pip3 and redoing all the steps solved the issue.

kristoff profile image
Loris Cro

Is the VM backup feature offered by DO viable to have backups of an instance?

wrench666 profile image
Wrench666 • Edited

Step 4 i getting eror. how to fix this?

ce7in profile image
Muhammed Cetin

It seems there is a typing error in setup.yml file. The error message says that the host pattern is invalid. Please check if your setup.yml file is appropriate.