Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Discussion on: New selfhost default email & future choices.

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Hey @ecobrett Congrats on successfully following Self-host and getting your Forem set up!

should I start over and choose a different path or make other actions now

Afaik, the answer to this question kinda depends on whether you're more comfortable re-running the playbook or accessing your .env files via SSH (it's "DEFAULT_EMAIL"), but @maestromac , @andygeorge , or @djuber may have more expert suggestions for you!

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Daniel Uber

If you were comfortable SSH'ing to the server and editing the file (you'll need to sudo since I think that's a root owned config file, the core user won't be able to edit it) - the DEFAULT_EMAIL is set in /opt/forem/envs/rails.env about half way down. If you change this, you'll want to restart all services using foremctl to reload the env file values, it's only read when the services start up.

I don't think this requires reloading the systemd services (since you're editing the environment and not the service config itself).

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Thanks for clarifying this, Dan! πŸ™