Hello awesome people,
I'm trying to self host forem on aws and i'm following the wonderful and super helpful guides on Forem's github repo. I was able to successfully follow the steps but when I got to the point of where I need to run this command ansible-playbook -i inventory/forem/setup.yml playbooks/providers/aws.yml
in order to provision aws to setup my Forem instance.
I got the following error which basically requires me to install butane on ubuntu.
TASK [Convert butane file to an Ignition file] ***************************************************************************************************
TASK [butane : Check for butane] *****************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [forem]: FAILED! => changed=true
cmd: which butane
delta: '0:00:00.003581'
end: '2022-07-23 17:51:34.513911'
msg: non-zero return code
rc: 1
start: '2022-07-23 17:51:34.510330'
stderr: ''
stderr_lines: <omitted>
stdout: ''
stdout_lines: <omitted>
TASK [butane : Fail if butane is not installed] **************************************************************************************************
fatal: [forem]: FAILED! => changed=false
msg: 'Butane is not installed or not in your $PATH! You need to install it first. See: https://coreos.github.io/butane/getting-started/'
PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************
forem : ok=12 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=1
all other tasks preceding this task were successfully green.
I'm not sure what to do at this point, I tried installing butane on Ubuntu but figured out that it doesn't have a clear installation guide for Ubuntu distro.
therefore, any help or guidance as to overcome this error would be highly appreciated. thanks!
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