Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Discussion on: What are we missing?

afrodevgirl profile image
Alexis Moody

For us, the International Quidditch Association, organizations are more important than individual authors or even tags. A typical quidditch community member will be looking for content about their local community first, then national, and finally international. After they've seen local content they may seek out specialized content based on topic (or tag) like drills, equipment tutorials, sport analysis, post game/tournament highlights, etc. There are some "power" users who's priorities would be reversed (they care about specialized content over community news/discussion). But that use case is atypical for the vast majority of people in the community. There are also a number of "affinity" groups throughout the community like LGBTQ+ players, BIPOC players, a variety of other hobby groups, and more. Essentially I would like to see organizations be elevated to a similar level as tags in the main feed. This would enable community members to see updates/posts from all of their organizations along with new content within a followed tag.

lee profile image

Mega interesting. One of the first questions someone asked me about my community was “how do you localise it?”

citizen428 profile image
Michael Kohl

Great feedback Alexis and an interesting use case, thank you!

afrodevgirl profile image
Alexis Moody

Happy to help!