Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Discussion on: What sort of "Easter eggs" would you like to see in Forem?

pp profile image
Paweł Ludwiczak

Some random ideas..s

  1. Something something konami code something.
  2. Some sort of search query easter egg: for example when you hit "sloan" we will show you some video with sloan, i don't know... that's stupid.. but you get the idea :)
  3. In the /settings/profile, when you choose two brand colors that have poor contrast, we could show some funny gif
  4. Another GIF if you try to set your font to be Comic Sans MS
  5. I'm sure you know the Dinosaur game in Chrome when you're offline.. Maybe something similar? Although we do have a drawing board already...
  6. Choosing 10x hacker theme would activate matrix code in the background (only once :P)
  7. Some funny HTML comment hidden in the source code?
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I think clicking the footer mascot should do something— possibly something configurable by forem creators

pp profile image
Paweł Ludwiczak

I loved what Kickstarter had while ago for footer: