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Discussion on: How about voting?

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Andrew Bone

I believes polls exist in some beta form

Beta polls feature (admin use only for now) #3176

What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)

  • [ ] Refactor
  • [x] Feature
  • [ ] Bug Fix
  • [ ] Documentation Update


This PR includes some basic functionality for including polls in tweets. It limits so that only admins can include polls because I think there are more complexities around polls we want to nail down, along the lines of:

  • An article with a poll probably shouldn't allow edits because that could compromise the poll.
  • A poll should only be able to be embedded in a single article as to keep context consistent.
  • This means more "awareness" of the context from the liquid tag perspective.
  • A poll should be definable through some fairly straightforward UI which begs questions of when a poll gets "saved".

So for now I made it so that it's more of a conceptual feature for now that we can use internally but it will be fun to show off until we answer the rest of the questions.

Forgive my silly placeholder text: