Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Discussion on: www. or nah

jumpdo profile image

I might be late, but it may help for future forem users,

If you don't want to use www or any subdomain in forem, While installing selfhost, remove {{ forem_subdomain_name }}. line in app_domain at inventory/forem/setup.yml

Convert this line from

app_domain: "{{ forem_subdomain_name }}.{{ forem_domain_name }}"
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app_domain: "{{ forem_domain_name }}"
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then it will work.

If you have already installed forem and you want to redirect non www to www or vice versa, then add non www domain at /opt/forem/configs/traefik/dynamic.toml

rule = "(Host(``) || Host(``)) && Method(`GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`, `PATCH`, `HEAD`)"
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and redirect non www to www at /opt/forem/configs/nginx.conf

server {
     if ($host = {
        return 301$request_uri;
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After that it will works fine. i tried it and its works for me