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Discussion on: Changelog: Member Detail Page

ildi profile image

Unfortunately I feel like many websites/platforms on the web probably don’t follow these laws. It’s up to the user to prove that their data has not been used in good faith. Then you gotta pay a lawyer to make your case.

So much of this can be avoided if users are truly given ownership/control of their data and if the databases were not controlled by centralized actors. But from a technical perspective, this is not easy to achieve. I do hope it’s where we are headed though because the law itself and how it is upheld is often flawed and biased. That’s not to say that we don’t need laws, because we can’t decentralize everything. Also no system is perfect but I really think we can do without serving users with a cookie collection warning popup every-time they visit a website. I can’t stand those, there has to be a better way 😂