Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Amy Lin for Forem Core Team

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Changelog: Invite user API

Hi there, Forem Creators!

Just a quick update that we have added an API for you to invite users to your Forems. As a Forem super admin, this endpoint allows the client to trigger an invitation to a provided email address.

Ready to get going? Check out the documentation here.

You can read more about this from this PR below:

Admin API use case 1: endpoint to create users #16520

What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)

  • [X] Feature


This PR adds an endpoint for admin users to trigger an invitation to the Forem instance.

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QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings

Nothing specific, the specs should cover it quite well.

UI accessibility concerns?

API onlu

Added/updated tests?

  • [X] Yes

[Forem core team only] How will this change be communicated?

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