Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Discussion on: Day and Night mode based on time.

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Christina Gorton

I know this request has been brought up a few times in our forem repo.
Wanted to give you a little more info from one of our product developers on why this hasn't been implemented yet.

"To me, this seems like a really good "nice to have" feature that I think a lot of developers/designers in particular will want, but across the board (which is why we should circle back to it), but at the current moment, most Forem creators will want us to make the platform usable for them, which is why we ought to focus on more core functionality that is already not very inclusive, like our markdown-only editor right now and come back to this when we know that the basic building blocks work for all Forem creators 👍🏽"

So I think this has been on our radar for awhile. At least a way to easily toggle light and dark mode but it isn't currently a priority because of the reasons mentioned above.

Hopefully once some of those core features are added we could start thinking about a feature like this.