Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Discussion on: Forem DigitalOcean Setup on MacOS

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Muhammed Cetin

I've fixed it again but I don't know what is the reason.

My solution:

After the installation has been done, I run the command "sudo foremctl deploy" before restarting forem-traefik.service. Then I restarted forem by running this: "sudo foremctl restart". Lastly, I tried to restart forem-traefik.service. That's all.

However, I have one more problem now. Even if I've added sendgrid api key and api key id as ecrypted vault keys, I cannot receive a confirmation email. What might be the problem? I've used the command below to encrypt my api key and api key id:

echo -n myApiKey | ansible-vault encrypt_string --stdin-name vault_sendgrid_api_key