Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Discussion on: Difficulty deploying Forem

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Akhil Naidu

Forem team provided enough documentation on various aspects except for the making it production-ready.

As you mentioned that you are familiar with UNIX and if you want to test Forem in your local PC, there are few guides in this Forem Instance itself.

If you are familiar with Docker, I wrote an article on how to have your testing instance, click here for more details.

Also, there is one more series, which includes installing Forem in Ubuntu natively, click here for this series. This series is yet to finish, but the author is updating his posts quite frequently.

If you are not interested in the local instance, i.e., the Development Instance and prefer to have your Production Instance, I would like you to follow up with this as I already raised a similar concern and got a reply through the comment section. click hereto view ben's reply.

If you still have any concerns, mention them, so that it will clear your concerns and will also help others to acquire some extra info.