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Discussion on: Forem DigitalOcean setup SMTP does not work.

akhil profile image
Akhil Naidu • Edited

I would suggest you confirm your SMTP details via this SMTP testing tool

  • If you have any issues during the testing, the issue lies within your SMTP details.
  • If you have successful test but can't use them in Forem, I would suggest you to configure, two things:
  1. Configure default sender email-id in Forem via the .env file
  2. Create a sender email or from email within your email service provider

Digital ocean is just a platform to provide computational power, it has nothing to do with email services. In fact, Leewardslope is an SMTP configured Forem on Digital Ocean.

benjaminb profile image
Benjamin Bilgehan • Edited

SMTP test is successful. now question is forem is installed in docker and where is the .env file exactly ?