Forem Creators and Builders 🌱

Discussion on: Let's Discuss #3! A Roundup of Feature Requests

akhil profile image
Akhil Naidu

Wow, nice!

This road map is certainly refreshing and what I would consider as a real update. (Update here refers to the literal meaning of update or being up to date)

I felt that most of my community members would face steep learning when it comes to the MD editor, as most of them have a background around Economic & Political analysts, in which the majority being professors.

This road map is a game-changer for me and to bring my community online. Now I can calmly shift completely into Forem, leaving Tribe and, Thankyou @forem

akhil profile image
Akhil Naidu

I'm waiting for that day when I can host a stable production Forem on my own, and if possible, one day, sooner or later, with Zapier workflows.